About cookies
This website contains cookies.
According to the Electronic Communication Act (Lagen om elektronisk kommunikation), which came into force on 25 July 2003, everyone who visits a website with cookies must be informed that the website contains cookies, what these cookies are used for and how cookies can be avoided. A cookie is a small computer file that websites store on the user’s computer so they can recognise the computer next time the user visit the website. Cookies are used on many websites to give the user access to different functions. The information in the cookie can be used to track the user’s surfing. A cookie file is passive and cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programs.
Cookies are used as tools for, among other things:
- storing settings for the way the website should be displayed (resolution, language, etc)
- turning on encryption for the transfer of sensitive information across the Internet
- allowing the way users use the website to be observed and thereby collect information for general development of the website
- linking the user’s exposure to advertisements on websites to his/her e-trade transactions and using this as a basis for calculating payments to the website and advertising networks
- collecting information about users’ behaviours in order to adapt and limit the content and advertisements on the websites they visit to their behaviours
On this website, cookies are used to measure traffic and, with the help of the web service Google Analytics, which uses cookies, collect visitor statistics for the website. This information is then used to improve the content on the website and the user experience. Cookies are also used to give the user access to the function that remembers the choice of country/language until the next time the user visits the site with the same web browser. Cookies are also used to remember any accessibility adaptations.
Cookies and other technology that are stored on or collect details from the user’s computer may only be used with the consent of the user. Consent can be given in different ways, such as through the web browser. In the web browser settings, the user can set which cookies are permitted, blocked and deleted. Read more about how this is done in the web browser’s help section, and for more information see http://www.pts.se/en-GB/
Note that this website only uses cookies to make it easier for the user and allow full functionality.